Led by esteemed experts such as "Polestar International Pilates Instructors" and recognized members of the "Korean Society for the Study of Obesity," we meticulously design body contours promoting health.

Understanding that treatment outcomes vary for each individual based on physique, constitution, and habits, Le Sommet tailors ideal treatment methods accordingly.

Our commitment transcends mere prescriptions and mechanical therapies, aiming to sustain fundamental physical health while crafting ever more beautiful body lines.

Led by esteemed experts such as 

"Polestar International Pilates Instructors" 

and recognized members of the 

"Korean Society for the Study of Obesity," 

we meticulously design body contours promoting health.

Understanding that treatment outcomes vary for each individual based on physique, constitution, and habits, Le Sommet tailors ideal treatment methods accordingly.

Our commitment transcends mere prescriptions and mechanical therapies, aiming to sustain fundamental physical health while crafting ever more beautiful body lines.

Body Program

Tailored Body Solutions

Just for You

We understand the myriad concerns individuals have about their physique, recognizing that each person's desired body shape is unique. To address these diverse needs effectively, it's crucial to begin with precise diagnostics and then devise a customized treatment plan that suits you perfectly. What specific body treatment are you currently seeking? Let's delve into it together.


Tailored Body Solutions Just for You

We understand the myriad concerns individuals have about their physique, recognizing that each person's desired body shape is unique. 

To address these diverse needs effectively, it's crucial to begin with precise diagnostics and then devise a customized treatment plan 

that suits you perfectly. What specific body treatment are you currently seeking? Let's delve into it together.

품격있는 건강의 시작, Beauty Body

Le Sommet,
나를 위한 탁월한 선택

품격있는 건강의 시작, Beauty Body

Le Sommet, 나를 위한 탁월한 선택

전문성을 갖춘 의료진

'대한비만학회 비만 전문 인정의'이자

'폴스타 국제 필라테스 강사’ 자격을 취득한
의료진이 더 체계적이고 섬세한 치료를 제공합니다.

개인 맞춤 프로그램

개인의 신체 구조와 상태에 맞는 진단과 맞춤 디자인을 진행하며, 약 처방, 보톡스, 윈백, 튠바디, 저준위 레이저 등 다양한 치료 방법 중 가장 이상적인 치료를 계획합니다.

프라이빗 시스템

르쏘메에 머무르는 시간 동안 오감을 충족하고,

편안한 시간이 될 수 있도록 1인실을 구축하고 있으며 

온도, 분위기 등 디테일한 작은 요소까지 생각합니다.

Timeless Beauty

Le Sommet

We are committed to assisting you in discovering 

and preserving enduring beauty. 

Timeless Beauty

Le Sommet

We are committed to assisting you in discovering and preserving enduring beauty.